
Monday 17 January 2011

1st Draft Of Newspaper First Page

Today I have been working on my local newspaper first page, having already taken the pictures which for the first page story I first of all needed to decide which image I would use. I chose to use this picture.

Newspaper First Page Image 4

I think that this image would be most suited to my page as when I placed it on to the page, to me it looked right and fitted in well. I have also started to write my story to go with the image about the local community centre closing down. I also near enough finished the local weather report which from looking at other local newspapers is usually featured in the first page of their newspapers. Next week I need to aim to finish my page by completing the main story, creating a possible advert and filling in the spaces on the page. After this I need to think about the newspaper's website and a poster advertising my local newspaper.

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