
Wednesday 8 September 2010

The News, Monday 6th September 2010

In Mondays edition of The News there 94 pictures in the newspaper. This shows that they aim to add a great vareity of images to go with the words that have been written in the paper. There was a good mix of small and large pictures, which were dependent on the article that the image was supporting. The images were bigger for the main headline and the main sports headlines. Also nearly all of the pictures were in colour to show that this newspaper is modern and can be accessed by various selection of people. There are two main headlines on this edition of The News, the first is on the front and reads 'YOU COULD CHANGE OUR JASMINE'S LIFE'. This is a quote from the story releating to this headline and is about a real life story. This appeals to a local audience as the readers may know the person who is being talked about and it will make them think which the newspaper aims to achieve. The text is also in white font as the picture it is placed on has a black background, so the headline can be seen. The other headline is on the back and is for the sport section of the newspaper and it reads, 'SPIRIT OF BLUES IS STILL STRONG'. This is talking about the local football team for this newspaper which is Portsmouth Football Club. This headline again is in white font, like the front headline, and uses some aliteration which words beginning with the letter 's' to make sure the headline is fully understood and memorised by the reader of this newspaper.

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