
Sunday, 12 September 2010

The News, Saturday 11th September 2010

In Saturday's edition, and the final edition of the week, of The News there were 83 pictures included in the newspaper. This was the lowest amount of images that has been put into an issue of The News this week, this may be the case because it's the last paper of the week or they just had more the other types of content for this day's newspaper. All the week the layout of each issue of The News has stayed pretty similar which means that they are keeping to a certain theme which obviously appeals to the local audience who this newspaper is aimed at. The main headline is bold with black font and reads. 'TRIPLE TRAGEDY MADE ME A SHOPAHOLIC'. This headline uses emotive language with words like 'Tragedy' to make the audience be symphatic towards the person who the article is talking about. It also ends of the week by giving the reader something to think about before the next edition is out on the next Monday. The back headline is in bold, black font and reads, ' 'JOKER' CAN GIVE US THE EDGE'. This is the first time this week that the colour of the back headline wasn't the same as the colour of the font on the main headline which uses white font. This may be because again this the last paper of the week or it may just be a design choice. This headline is talking about a football player who plays for Portsmouth FC, this particular player has been featured in previous editions this week so the reader will be following his story and progress while he is playing for Portsmouth FC. There is also other stories featured on the back of the paper which gives the reader other stories to follow along with the main story that is being featured.

The News, Friday 10th September 2010

In Friday's edition of The News there were 93 pictures used in the newspaper, this the 3rd highest amount of images used in the paper so far this week. This again shows that this newspaper are still trying to keep a consistant amount of images in the paper within the week when they are distributed to the reader. From looking at all this week's previous edition's of The News it is clear to see that they have tried to keep a similar layout each day to give the reader some form of familarity when they pick and read this newspaper. The main headline in Friday's issue does not follow the font colour pattern as, like yesterday, there is bold black font which reads '1,400 JOBS COULD GO UNDER MAJOR POLICE SHAKE UP'. This is an unconventional headline as it is quite long but does offer up something different for the reader. There is also another smaller headline above with an image that portrays a much more positive message to those who read this newspaper. The back headline which also uses bold black font and reads, 'KITSON: I CAN FIRE POMPEY UP TABLE'. This is another quote from a footballer who plays for Portsmouth FC, which would get the readers who also follow the team interested. It is also portraying a positive message and uses language that can be easily remembered, as they miss out the word 'the' to make the headline more readable.

Friday, 10 September 2010

The News, Thursday 9th September 2010

In Thursday's edition of The News, there were 85 pictures included in the newspaper. This is the lowest amount of pictures included in The News so far this week but is still a high number and close to the other amounts of images in the newspaper, this shows that are still trying to keep a consistant amount of pictures in the paper to it flowing consistantly. Once this issue keeps with the similar layout that has been used throughout the week with the way that the text, images and coverline have put layed out. The main headline is in bold, black font and reads 'FIGHT STARTS TO SAVE THE MARINES'. This headline is appealing to the local audience as it is referring to the history of the city which people who come from Portsmouth take a lot of pride in. There is also a theme going on as Tuesday's headline was in black font, so far they have had a pattern of white font, black font, white font, black font. There is also another smaller headline with image above which is relating to the same story as the main headline. The back healdine is also in bold, black font, like Tuesday's edition, and reads 'CIFTCI: KEEP ME IN THE SPOTLIGHT'. This is a quote from a footballer who plays for Portsmouth FC, who is the newsapaper's local team. This would appeal to the reader as they would be interested in this particular player and football team as they are more than likley going to support them because they are from the area.

Thursday, 9 September 2010

The News, Wednesday 8th September 2010

In Wednesday's edition of The News there were 97 pictures this is the highest amount of pictures that the newspaper has featured so far this week, 9 more than yesterday and 3 more than Monday, This shows that they are trying to keep a consistant amount of images in each issue so the reader feels like they are getting their money's worth with this particular newspaper. The layout is very simiular to the previous two edition that have been released this week as local newspapers and newspapers in general tend to keep to the same layout as it gives the reader some form of familarity when purchasing this or any other newspaper. The main headline on this edition is referring back to the main headline and story in Monday's edition about an unwell child and the headline reads 'THANK YOU'. This was in bold, white font, like on Monday's paper aagin, and was done becasue people like to follow a story so by writing about the progress in the story the reader feels like they are going on a journey with the people in the article. There is also another headline about the sport just above the main headline, which would make people turn to the back of the paper. The back headline is also carrying on from a previous story but from yesterday's paper and the headline reads, 'LIAM WILL JOIN THE BLUES ON LOAN'. This headline again is bold, white font to follow today's font themes and is a story that will still be fresh in readers minds from yesterday.

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

The News, Tuesday 7th September 2010

In Tuesday's edition of The News there are 88 pictures within the newspaper, 6 less than in yesterday's paper. These pictures again are mostly in colour which shows that are trying to keep the images in the same style throughout the week to make the reader feel like they are following something properly. They are again of variety of sizes depending on the story they backing up. The headlines on this edition are both in big, bold, black font to catch the eye of readers who pass by to want to pick up the newspaper. The main headline on the front cover read, 'PUPILS LET DOWN BY ''COMPLETE INCOMPETENCE''. This headline uses two words next to each other that have a similar sound to them so people will want to know more about the topic. Also this headline does not match the main image on the paper as that is for another article in the newspaper. The back headline for the sport reads, 'LAWERENCE LIMBO', this uses aliteration to engage the reader as both words begin with 'L' and like the front this headline does not match with the main image above. This shows that this newspaper likes to keep to the same theme in each issue.

The News, Monday 6th September 2010

In Mondays edition of The News there 94 pictures in the newspaper. This shows that they aim to add a great vareity of images to go with the words that have been written in the paper. There was a good mix of small and large pictures, which were dependent on the article that the image was supporting. The images were bigger for the main headline and the main sports headlines. Also nearly all of the pictures were in colour to show that this newspaper is modern and can be accessed by various selection of people. There are two main headlines on this edition of The News, the first is on the front and reads 'YOU COULD CHANGE OUR JASMINE'S LIFE'. This is a quote from the story releating to this headline and is about a real life story. This appeals to a local audience as the readers may know the person who is being talked about and it will make them think which the newspaper aims to achieve. The text is also in white font as the picture it is placed on has a black background, so the headline can be seen. The other headline is on the back and is for the sport section of the newspaper and it reads, 'SPIRIT OF BLUES IS STILL STRONG'. This is talking about the local football team for this newspaper which is Portsmouth Football Club. This headline again is in white font, like the front headline, and uses some aliteration which words beginning with the letter 's' to make sure the headline is fully understood and memorised by the reader of this newspaper.